Welcome to The Astanga Studio
Jennifer Chapman was first introduced to yoga at the age of 12 by her ballet teacher. From then she became intrigued by the East and dreamed of one day going to India and meeting a Guru. She eventually traveled to India in 2005 where she met her Guru Sri.K .Pattabhi Jois, a dedicated student of the Sage Krishnamacharya. Jois or Guruji, as he was affectionately known by his students, established the Astanga Research Institute in Mysore in 1948, where he continued to teach the Astanga Yoga until his passing in May 2009 at the age of 93 leaving the institute in the capable hands of his daughter, Saraswathi, and his grandson, Sharat. Jennifer has done various trainings, and teaches at her Astanga Yoga Studio in Kloof, Durban.

The word Yoga means “union” which refers to the profound state of connectedness and peace that naturally arises within oneself when it is practiced. As well as rebalancing the physical body Yoga also has a transformative effect upon every other aspect of your Being.
“Astanga is for everybody, as long as the heart is willing” – Pattahi Jois. (read more)

Dance is an age-old necessity of the spirit; dance soothes the soul and inspires the heart. We dance for the joy of it. Dance develops agility, discipline, focus, determination, courage, strength, grace, honor, energy, spiritual depth, creativity, commitment. It is inborn, it is an outlet a place for one to express. (read more)