Stepping into an , ACROVINYASA™ class will take you on a journey of joy from Earth Asanas to Air Asanas, weaving vinyasa, acroyoga and inversion training. This class includes both solo and partner practice.
We first practice a beautiful Solo Vinyasa sequence, as we move on our mats to inspiring music with our bodies following the flow of our breath, building strength and finding balance. We then do a few minutes of inversion training, allowing the body to be upside down on earth, so it feels familiar when we eventually go upside down in the air as we fly.
We then move onto the Acroyoga part of the class which includes three yogis;
The aerial part revolves around one partner (the base) supporting the other (the flyer) in flying through the air in a sequenced series of yoga postures. Bringing a refreshingly playful approach to an ancient tradition, ACROVINYASA™ feels more like a dance with gravity than physical excercise. Getting inverted with a partner is very empowering especially for people who may be fearful of supporting or being supported by others.
We then have the spotter who is the glue that secures the team of 3 yogis, the spotter’s role is to make sure the base and flyer are safe and properly aligned. The base lies on the mat, back flat and legs and arms extended. We make sure the yogis are properly stacked (vertical bone alignment)
We encourage to try out the different roles of being a base, flyer and spotter as it’s very beneficial to embody each role to gain a greater understanding of all three elements.
After 2 or 3 new acroyoga postures it’s time to go back to your own mat and do a restorative cool down postures, finished by savasana (relaxation)
Learning to trust, communicate clearly and give and receive are some to the deeper benefits of this beautiful practice of ACROVINYASA™