Last night i fell fast asleep by 6pm and awoke at 4 30am this morning……reason being…snorkeling in Cozumel !
Wow doesnt begin to describe it, I hopped on a boat which took about an hour to our first stop where we snorkled in this crystal water and saw many many starfish…we then set off to the most amazing reefs where we saw turtles and schools of other colourful fish….we then swam to another reef which was at least 20m. Below there were divers exploring was deep but so clear. I felt so privaledged to be sharing the sea dwellers home with them. We saw a big turtle.
After an hour in the water it was time to head back to carribian beats belting out over the ocean and then came good old YMCA i had a good chuckle.
As the boat slapped its way back against the swells i was messmerrised by the colours of the ocean, oh and my first ever ride in a glass bottom boat. I was zonning out or rather zenning in….i tuned in to how important it is to be present, to take in the
moment and just be……