After my plate  of fruit for breakfast and coffee for prana i took a brisk 40min walk to Hotel B for another yoga class. Class today was a power vinyasa flow with another teacher…Eve. As i was last yogi on deck i got the sunny spot and already sweating from my power walk my body was ready for a great stretch. Every now and then the sea breeze would brush passed me and give my body some relief from the scorching sun.

After a great 90min practice i lay in complete bliss in resting yogi and just let go as the breeze danced around my body.  When it was time to sit up and give thanks….namaste. unbenknown to me a certain creature of the ocean had taken refuge in my sarong.  A large crab and this is the second time this has happenned. A few years back i was practicing Iyengar Yoga in Kloof and there was a stream running passed my teachers studio,while in sleeping yogi a fresh water crab found its way to my sarong….and now a sea crab….also sleeping yogi and under my sarong….wow to uncanny. So i looked up animal totums and…

CRAB…shows how to keep protected on all levels;mental,spiritual and physical. She will show how to take hold of an idea to fully grasp the meaning, she will help you choose the action best for the movement. Sometimes lateral movement is better than no movement, trust her direction.
Feel the rhythum of life for when true comfort sets in creative potentialities will be born. If crab is fresh water, realise the freshness of your world. If crab is salt water, its time to add flavour to your life….

After class i began chatting to Eve the yoga instructor, who is from L.A. she very excitedly asked if i would be a guest teacher on Wednesday night at the power yoga studio in Cozumel, where she teaches. I accepted with much enthusiasm…now its going to be a very interesting 90mins teaching a class of Spanish speaking pupils and all i know is Ola…..then i will feel that universal union of the practice and communicate in the language of yoga.

I am now only ferrying across to Playa onThursday so have the privilege of being on this gorgeous island for an extra 2 nights.
Will let you know how it goes….