High in the sky again en route to Cozumel…wow such a gorgeous view as we fly in its been said i live in the clouds but this spectacular cloud formation is a castle in the clouds fantasy, i am filled with such joy.
One of the 8 limbs of Astanga is a NIYAMA…SANTOSHA…which is contentment and Gurugi says happy, happy,happy always be happy.
Today I met a very wise local shop keeper on my way to the bank, i stopped to say hello to his pugs, will send pic just now.
He motioned for me to sit and gave up his chair he sat on the steps and he began to share his story. Luis said when we are children we see the world as a much brighter place. He gestured with his hands…bright green leaves, pretty colourful flowers, blueblue sea…and as we get older our vision changes, everything becomes duller, less colourful and crisp and bright. It is influenced by how busy we get, stress,addictions and toxins of life…mind toxins and body.
I had mentioned why i was here on the island, to do a training in yoga…aah he said and that is how he began to tell me the story above…
Luis went on to say…he began practicing a form of yoga called prana yoga and has been doing so every morning at 6am, barefoot, facing sunrise, for the last 30 years. He said he tried it and the breathing during practice cleared his vision so that when he pickd up the book next to him he could read without his glasses and everything around was bright. He then lit a cigarette and everything became dull…and he made the connection….he went on to say that many years ago he was addicted to cocaine as the columbians would traffic it through Mexico and he could get it in big quantities he says yoga saved his life….
Wow i am so grateful that he could share his journey with us..i will bei n touch soon.