We began at 8am starting with a meditation which is always most challenging for me, i think it was for 30min. We then had a sharing of experience and got ready for a led practice with Michael i positioned myself in what i thought was the back row, he came back in and told us to turn around so i was then in front row,drat. Class was a mix of the teacher training group which consists of 23 and Michaels regular Saturday class which made up around 40 altogether. What amazing energy, the intense heat which makes my head feel like its going to explode…is excellent for deepening the practice…Michael likes doors closed and no fans. With so much gorgeous wood that makes up the studio and with that intense inferno…it smells exactly like a wooden sauna…no jokes.

I surprised myself and managed to bind in Marichyasana D on the one side, almost on ..naughty shoulder side, bound in Supta Kurmasana (turtle) and arms through Padmasana in Garbha Pindasana(rolly poly) must be the heat and i swear by Astanga Yoga and this heat…taking all the garbage out of my shoulder and healing it. I have a familiar old pain back in my surgery knee but at least shoulderis fixed. Slowly slowly….

We had 10min break and with a quick glug down of water and a speedy shower and change, we were back in the studio to sweat and yoga all over again…not the practice but lots of Surya Namaskara and breath bandhas and vinyasa.
At 13 30pm we were given a 30min lunch break then back again for morepi training. We finished at 4 30pm and i walked home. I got lost and was so tired hot and frustrated i shed a few tears, i told myself to PULL MYSELF TOGETHER and suck up my bandhas. Finally an English speaking person helped me, and as i was almost at the Gannons appartment,when i was hailed down by Michael and his two bambinos…Jai(19mnths) and Ikal(4yrsold)on his scooter,shame he was wondering why i took so long.

Slept well that night..


Lovely pic of Michal in class, he has an amazing balance of…dont mess with the dicipline of Astanga and a naughty, refreshing sense of humour…
