Borrowed Dalia’s bicycle and road to the Shala today the one wheel is a little flat but i made it…and didnt get lost. Today we began meditation at 7am which lasted an hour, i thought i was going to die. My feet went numb, then my legs and panic set in…eyes open michael said and breathe… no fidgetting…..well i am alive and survived to tell the tail.
We then had 5 mins to set mats out for led practice. I am pleased to say my head didnt feel like it was going to explode and Michael moaned at us yesterday for whiping sweat away continuously with our towels. What he said made so much sense the more you wipe away the more your body cries out with heat and just produces more sweat. So i folded my towel as per his suggestion at the top of my mat and when i needed to, during a jump back i would wipe my face…no hands passing through from chaturanga to urdhva mukha savasana(up dog)
Yay still no shoulder pain…..we had 10min break for water and i had a banana and some almonds(breakfast)… then back to class for adjusting session….
He told us that the first couple of days are just easing us in but we will soon be doing at least 2 to 3 full practices a day….oh my goodness….
Was another sweaty intense session then a 45min lunch break….i had had a light salad the day before and wasnt making that mistake again, as we go straight back into more yoga after lunch…today i had a yummy frappe, of lemon, mint and crushed ice…
Then back to more adjusting…
Cycled straight home and shared with you guys….
Tomorrow we start at 7am again but straight into a mysore practice, some people are starting later as their practice is not ready for full sequence in mysore style. Other students from the loft will also be joining mysore practice. Now the serious stuff begins……