A couple of months before i left South Africa for Mexico I saw a couple of posts on Face Book with some yoga pupils at Yogaloft in Playa, practicing in shorts and  crop tops. They looked amazing but i told my yogi family…no ways am i practicing in shorts or a crop top i dont care how hot i get and this body is not anywhere close to Kino’s body.

…….DRUM ROLL i got over myself and my silly self judgments and body issues. I embraced the heat, the practice, my imperfections and now sometimes wear crop tops or shorts to practice in….never say never…cause you never know?
And most importantly with the amount of sweating we do here in Mexico during practice, its practicle for slipping into Garbha Pindasana for example. Just thought i would keep you in the loop as i know i said one thing and now do another.

Michael cautioned us about Full Moon today so i didnt do drop backs but still had a fair practice. After Mysore we had an adjustment class through till lunch.







Then Anatomy in the afternoon…

After which i cycled home to chill a bit, write to you and will be on my bicycle back to the yogaloft to do Michaels Power Yoga Vinyasa class at 6pm…this is not part of our training but some of us kamakazies have decided to go for it, i believe its killer. Will fill you in tomorrow.
